Add two customs inbound rule with specific value. Go to virtual machine page, click on the virtual machine you create. After that click return and create a virtual machine.ġ2. Please review the virtual machine and click create.ġ1.Click download private key and create resource. In the networking section, you can leave it as default value, click Review + create.ġ0.

Please choose Read/write as host caching section. This is use for storing the server file and player data. In select a disk size section please choose Standard SDD. In the size section please select change size.ħ. In the create new disk page, it is optional to enter a new disk name for better identification, in the source type please choose None (empty disk). Please select create and attach a new disk.Ħ. In the next section of disk section, in the OS disk type, it can leave it as default to use Premium SSD (locally-redundant storage). In the select inbound ports, choose SSH (22), to allow SSH connection of virtual machine. Finally, in the public inbound port select allowed selected ports. This key later will be used to connect to the virtual machine. In the SSH public key source please select generate new key pair, and type in the key pair name. The username can leave it as default as azure user. This specification of instance can allow 6-7 players in the server to play. The size of the virtual machine please choose Standard_D4s_v3 – 4 vcpus, 16 GIB memory.

For the image, please choose Ubuntu Server 20.0.4 LTS – Gen 2 as the image for the virtual machine. Also pick the availability zone that need to deploy for the virtual machine, you can also keep it as default if you don’t have any preferences.Ĥ. Please enter the virtual machine name and choose the region that closest to your country as the region. In this page, to configure the virtual machine, you need to setup a resource group that the virtual machine belongs to, if “no” please create a resource group and choose the resource group that created.

In the search bar type Virtual Machine and click on it.ģ.